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List of Addresses of Coal Companies in Kalimantan

 Talking about coal will certainly imagine in our minds about the island of Borneo. Yes, how could it not be, Kalimantan is an island that has natural wealth in the form of coal. Various companies both from outside and within the country are in Kalimantan. Lots of mining companies operating on the island of Borneo. Not only coal, Kalimantan also produces natural resources such as oil, gas and gold.

Kalimantan is one of the largest islands in Indonesia, many investors see opportunities there to mine coal in Kalimantan. Many workers also migrate to Kalimantan from various regions. However, they are also sometimes confused about the location of the coal company that is the destination of the nomads.

The following are several coal companies in Kalimantan complete with their addresses and contacts of coal companies in Kalimantan:

PT. Sustainable Coal Energy
Complete address : Gmaps PT. Kalimantan Sustainable Coal Energy
Telephone : +625172034058

PT. Kalimantan Coal
Complete address : Google Maps PT. Borneo Coal

Adaro Coal Harbor
Complete address of Adaro Coal Harbor : Maps

PT. Central Kalimantan Batu Bara
PT Address Central Kalimantan Batu Bara : Maps

TAM Coal Mining
Address of TAM Coal Mining : Maps

PT. Indonesian Coal Company

PT Address Kelabat Coal Indonesia : Maps

KPCS Pama Coal Airport
Pama KPCS Coal Address : Maps

Sambang Coal Mine
Sambangan Kalimantan coal mine address: Maps

PD Baramarta Coal Mine
Baramarta Coal Mine Address : Maps

Those are some lists of coal companies that are very familiar on the island of Kalimantan. Of course there are many other companies operating, including both legal and illegal ones.